The work of Ian McAllister

JIG Zine


JIG Zine

Personal Project

A monthly themed zine with friends to express our creativity in unique ways. Every month, a new theme was selected and we let our imaginations run wild, exploring different concepts and ideas. We took turns designing the covers, which allowed each of us to showcase our artistic style, while everyone contributed to the content inside. The result was a blend of our diverse talents and perspectives, making each issue a true reflection of our collective creativity.


Carlton Roberts, Ian McAllister, Jacob, John Knoerl, Kenney Schnabel, Kristin Wellmer, Martin Wysor, Matt Boden, Sunny Lee


January Theme


The Brief

Some of us are still in Atlanta and some of us are in other parts of the country but we all became pals in the ATL. So this month’s creative should speak to what you love or miss about Atlanta.


February Theme


The Brief

We’ve all been there, whether it’s getting dumped or being rejected by your crush, hearts break for many reasons. It doesn’t even have to be relationship focused, just pull from experiences and put together some pages that represent the things that have hurt the worst. And feel free to use this as a platform to finally say “it’s fucking bitch”.


March Theme

Hand Drawn

The Brief

We all have our eyes glued to screens each and every workday, so I thought it might be a nice change of pace to do an all pencil (or pen) and paper zine. Just take a moment, step away from the screen and sketch out whatever you feel like for this one.


April Theme


The Brief

It’s Easter Sunday, what better way to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead than to bring to life your most disturbing and horrifying creations. Jump in to your favorite metal playlist or watch a scary movie, anything to bring out those inner demons.


May Theme


The Brief

I have these collage assets that I’ve never really done anything with so thought it would be fun to see what folks can create using the same creative materials. So dig in a create some mashed-up imagery.